Women Are Wondrous

Laura Phoenix Power
2 min readMar 8, 2020

It all begins with us.

Women are wondrous entities of existence.
It all begins with us.

Growers of creativity, we birth art, artists, and history. We are unforgettable passages, luscious impressions on canvases, and indelible marks on the hearts of lyricists throughout all time.

Passion begins with us.

Nurturers of adaptation, we source innovation, plans B, C, and beyond. Nimble and observant, we outflank restrictions with sureness and heart. We are shape-shifting masters of proficiency and consideration.

Evolution begins with us.

Seamstresses of necessity, we darn the crises of society. We hold the line; ours, theirs, and then some. We carry it with grace and freely give more than we take — even when our reserves are in the red.

Refinement begins with us.

Genii of creatures, we understand the elements of health. We see the invisible, hear the unspoken, and sense essential needs. Intuitives by nature, we know how to, where to, and when to add our healing touch.

Restoration begins with us.

Channels of divinity, we encourage connectedness between ancestors and descendants. Perceptive collectors of lore — we listen, learn, and curate the rarities. Assuredly, we bestow these gems unto the next generation.

Wisdom begins with us.

Warrioresses of honor, we throttle adversity and exact our human rights. Fearlessly, we claim our worth and own our story. Our boldness empowers others to harness their gifts and greatness.

Power begins with us.

Guardians of heart, we embody love. Champions of affection, we hold space for worldly beings to be love, keep love, and express love. We do this, wholeheartedly and openly.

Love begins with us.

We are extraordinary, mysterious, and kind. We let others lean upon in times of need. Without hesitation, we join them as they lean into challenges. We are consistently underestimated in our aspirations and feared in our power. We are as intricate as a butterfly’s wing and as steadfast as the seasons.
We are the roots of our communities, the pulse of time, and the soul of the cosmos.

It all begins with us. Women are wondrous entities of existence.

